Acupuncture is a means of adjusting the body's life energy (chi or qi) through the insertion of fine needles into carefully selected acupuncture points along the meridians of the body.
Acupuncture can:
Chinese herbal medicine effectively addresses most internal medical conditions. The goal is to support your body with natural, rather than synthetic, medication. Natural medicines are gentler than synthetic drugs and thus have fewer side effects. I combine acupuncture with Chinese herbs to help you achieve your health goals as quickly as possible.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a healthy lifestyle is an important ingredient in your overall health. Quality foods, exercise, restorative sleep, avoidance of toxins and stress management are some of the topics I'll cover in helping you get the most our of your treatment.
In Electro-acupuncture, acupuncture points are stimulated using a safe, gentle current. The stimulation of these points can increase the benefit under certain circumstances and for certain conditions.
Shiatsu Massage, also known as Acupressure, is a technique applied during acupuncture sessions. Instead of using needles, fingertip pressure is utilized to shift and enhance energy flow along specific meridian points.
Shiatsu massage treatment is useful to relieve tense muscles.
Please note: Shiatsu massage is coupled with acupuncture sessions and is not offered as a stand-alone treatment.
Gua Sha, the gentle scraping of the skin using a jade tool, is used to increase the flow of energy in your body.
Dietary Therapy helps to ensure that the specific energies from the foods you are eating work in harmony with the specific overall treatment plan that your TCM practitioner has given you.
I guide you in your dietary choices to help ensure that the foods you are eating work in harmony with your overall treatment plan.
Cupping is the process of creating a vacuum using glass cups to increase warmth and circulation. Used to treat tight muscles, colds, and to detoxify the body.Cupping is often used in addition to acupuncture to relieve pain in the muscles, such as back pain or shoulder pain from stiffness or injury and clearing congestion in the chest, which occurs with colds and flu. Cupping also helps tissues release toxins, clear colon blockages, help activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, active the skin, clear stretch marks and improve varicose veins.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, a healthy lifestyle is an important ingredient in your overall health. Quality foods, exercise, restorative sleep, avoidance of toxins and stress management are some of the topics I'll cover in helping you get the most our of your treatment.